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May 29, 2018
Intraoperative cell salvage in obstetrics is a safe adjunct or alternative treatment to allogenic blood transfusions during a postpartum hemorrhage. This tutorial will describe how the cell salvage circuit works and review the indications, contraindications, advantages, disadvantages and risks of...
Categories: ATOTW / Obstetric Anaesthesia
December 14, 2018
Failed tracheal intubation is more common in the obstetric population despite widespread adoption of failed intubation drills and equipment advances. This tutorial provides a practical approach to safe obstetric airway management and the actions to take when problems arise including...
Categories: ATOTW / Obstetric Anaesthesia
October 2, 2018
Accidental Awareness during General Anaesthesia (AAGA) has been demonstrated to be more common in obstetric practice than in any other area of anaesthesia. Factors contributing to this increased risk include maternal stress or anxiety, emergency surgery and the “intravenous-inhalational” interval....
Categories: ATOTW / Obstetric Anaesthesia
December 27, 2018
Failed tracheal intubation is more common in the obstetric population despite widespread adoption of failed intubation drills and equipment advances. This tutorial provides a practical approach to safe obstetric airway management and the actions to take when problems arise including...
Categories: ATOTW / General Topics
June 28, 2010
Non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy is not uncommon and anaesthetists should be aware of the implications for management. The physiological changes of pregnancy need to be considered, especially the avoidance of aortocaval compression, antacid prophylaxis and adequate preoxygenation. The airway needs...
Categories: ATOTW / Obstetric Anaesthesia
September 15, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic presents the potential to encounter pregnant patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. This tutorial covers the anaesthetic management of pregnant patients with COVID-19, including an overview of effects of COVID-19 on the mother and fetus, management considerations,...
Categories: ATOTW / Covid-19 / Obstetric Anaesthesia
January 8, 2019
This tutorial covers the neuraxial analgesia/anaesthesia-related complications and their management in obstetric patients. Complications are divided into four main categories including neurological, cardiovascular, drug related and miscellaneous. This tutorial includes up-to-date recommendations related to neuraxial blocks.
Categories: ATOTW / Obstetric Anaesthesia
August 8, 2017
Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that effects 1 million people worldwide, of which two-thirds are women and many are in their child-bearing years. The effects of pregnancy on disease progression, pregnancy outcome as well...
Categories: ATOTW / Obstetric Anaesthesia
April 2, 2012
Categories: ATOTW / Obstetric Anaesthesia
November 29, 2010
Pregnancy related VTE and PE is a common cause of preventable maternal morbidity and mortality Most women who develop pregnancy related VTE/PE have identifiable risk factors Early risk assessment in pregnancy is recommended, with re-assessment performed should any change in...
Categories: ATOTW / Obstetric Anaesthesia