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  2. An Evaluation of the Transfer of Skills and Knowledge from Two World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists Fellowship Programs

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An Evaluation of the Transfer of Skills and Knowledge from Two World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists Fellowship Programs

Published: September 11, 2024

DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006923

Categories: Education and Training in Anaesthesia, Global Health

Language: English


BACKGROUND: Subspecialist training is an important part of developing human resources for health and for some learners, may require taking place in another, higher-resourced country. Despite effective learning of skills and knowledge in a different, more highly resourced context, transfer of these skills and knowledge back to a more poorly resourced context can be a challenge. We aimed to evaluate the transfer of skills and knowledge in 2 World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) fellowship programs.

METHODS: This qualitative program evaluation study, guided by Guskey’s evaluation framework, used in-depth interviews of both faculty and graduates of the 2 fellowship programs. Interviews were conducted remotely, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using qualitative content and pattern analysis.

RESULTS: We interviewed 2 administrators, 10 faculty members, 17 graduated fellows, and 3 graduated fellows now in the role of faculty member in that fellowship. Key themes were barriers and enablers to the transfer of skills, including workplace and staffing, resources, mentorship, the interprofessional team, and leadership. Graduated fellows were able to have an impact on returning home in the areas of practice and service development, research, and teaching.

CONCLUSIONS: Our study found that the 2 fellowship programs had variable success in the transfer of learned skills and knowledge back to the fellows’ “home” institutions. Contextual differences between the fellowship institution and the home institution were the main source of barriers to transfer, and fellows from different countries had diverse needs. Supporting the transfer of knowledge and skills should be an explicit goal of these fellowship programs, and as such, should be considered in the recruitment of fellows, curriculum development, and in how the success of a fellowship is evaluated. Curricula should not just focus on medical knowledge and skills, but also skills in leading change and in education.