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March 1, 2014
As the supply of electricity and compressed gases varies from location to location the WFSA has developed guidelines for those seeking to tender for and purchase anaesthesia machines. Following ISO standards (which the WFSA helped to develop) this short document...
Categories: Standards & Guidelines / Basic Sciences / Equipment / Patient safety
May 1, 2018
Categories: Standards & Guidelines / General Topics / Global Health / Patient safety
May 1, 2018
Résumé: Les Normes Internationales pour la sécurité de l'anesthésie ont été élaborées pour le compte de la Fédération Mondiale des Sociétés d'Anesthésiologistes (WFSA), une organisation à but non lucratif représentant les anesthésiologistes de 150 pays, et de l'Organisation Mondiale de...
Categories: Standards & Guidelines / Basic Sciences / General Topics / Global Health / Patient safety
May 1, 2018
Categories: Standards & Guidelines / General Topics / Global Health / Patient safety
May 1, 2018
Resumen. Los Estándares Internacionales para la Práctica Segura de la Anestesia fueron desarrollados por encargo de la Federación Mundial de Sociedades de Anestesiólogos (WFSA), una organización sin ánimo de lucro que representa anestesiólogos de 150 países, y de la OMS....
Categories: Standards & Guidelines / General Topics / Global Health / Patient safety