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November 27, 2018
There are numerous clinical indications and benefits of using propofol-based total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) in children. While many aspects of TIVA can be translated from adults to children, there are some important considerations and limitations that anaesthetists should be aware...
Categories: ATOTW / Paediatric Anaesthesia
February 18, 2013
Categories: ATOTW / General Topics
October 12, 2009
Categories: ATOTW / General Topics
June 8, 2009
Categories: ATOTW / Basic Sciences / Equipment and Physics / General Topics / Intensive Care Medicine
December 2, 2013
Categories: ATOTW / Basic Sciences / Equipment and Physics / General Topics
October 2, 2018
Accidental Awareness during General Anaesthesia (AAGA) has been demonstrated to be more common in obstetric practice than in any other area of anaesthesia. Factors contributing to this increased risk include maternal stress or anxiety, emergency surgery and the “intravenous-inhalational” interval....
Categories: ATOTW / Obstetric Anaesthesia
June 9, 2008
Categories: ATOTW / Intensive Care Medicine
February 28, 2011
Categories: ATOTW / Intensive Care Medicine
January 11, 2008
Categories: ATOTW / Intensive Care Medicine