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September 11, 2016
Typhoid intestinal perforation is a surgical emergency. The child presents acutely ill with fluid and electrolyte derangement and a full stomach. This tutorial covers the assessment, pre-anaesthetic optimization, intraoperative management and post-operative care of a child with typhoid intestinal perforation.
Categories: ATOTW / General Topics / Paediatric Anaesthesia
April 16, 2019
Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disorder in children. The peri-operative period can disrupt glucose control resulting in hypo and hyperglycaemia. Multi-disciplinary management is important to optimise glucose control and minimise complications. Insulin pump therapy is increasing in children...
Categories: ATOTW / Paediatric Anaesthesia
January 1, 1970
Categories: ATOTW / Paediatric Anaesthesia