Education for anaesthesia providers worldwide
Volume 12
January 2000
Editor(s)-in-Chief: Dr Iain Wilson
ISSN 1253-4882
- Editorial
- Pre-operative Fasting Guidelines
- Acute Oxygen Treatment
- Regional Blocks at the Wrist
- Topical Anaesthesia for Eye Surgery
- Self Assessment
- Spinal Anaesthesia - a Practical Guide
- Post-operative Analgesia in Paediatric Day
- Intraosseous Infusion
- Answers to Self Assessment
- Respiratory Physiology
- Anaesthesia for the Patient with Respiratory Disease
- Central Venous Access and Monitoring
- Anaphylaxis
- Dear Reader
The Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
Chairman – Publications Committee WFSA
Dr Roger Eltringham
Editor – Update in Anaesthesia
Dr Iain Wilson
Russian Edition:- Andrei Varvinski, Dept. of Anaesthesia, University of Wales School of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff, U.K.
Email: avarvinski@hotmail.com
Spanish Edition:- Oscar Gonzales, Rio Parana 445, Bo Felicidad – Lambare, Paraquay
Email: ojgam@conexion.com.py
French Edition:- Michel Pinaud, Service d’anaesthesia, Hotel Dieu, 44093 Nantes Cedex 1, France
Mandarin Edition:- Jing Zhao, Dep. of Anaesthesia, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, No. 1 Shuai Fu Yuan, Beijing 100730, Peoples Rep. of China