Education for anaesthesia providers worldwide
Volume 24
June 2008
Editor(s)-in-Chief: Bruce McCormick
ISSN 1253-4882
- Editorial: The WHO Surgical Safety List
- WHO Surgical Safety Checklist
- Pentazocine
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Anaesthesia for paediatric ENT Surgery
- Transversus abdominis plane block
- Management of acute cervical spine injury
- Anaesthesia for foot and ankle surgery
- Brief communication: Anaesthesia training in French-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa
- Brief communication: Audit of waiting time to theatre for nonobstetric emergency and urgent cases in Livingstone General Hospital, Zambia
- Case report: A percutaneous method for blood salvage in ruptured ectopic pregnancy: experience from a Medecins Sans Frontières hospital in Ivory Coast
- Correspondence
- Cerebral challenge
- From the journals
The Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
Update Team
Bruce McCormick (UK)
Editorial Board
Gustavo Elena (Argentina)
Berend Mets (USA)
Aboudoul-Fataou Ouro-Bang’na Maman (Togo)
David Pescod (Australia)
Jeanette Thirlwell (Australia)
Isabeau Walker (UK)
Iain Wilson (UK)
Jing Zhao (China)
Chief Illustrator
Dave Wilkinson (UK)
Angie Jones, Sumographics (UK)
COS Printers Pte Ltd (Singapore)