Education for anaesthesia providers worldwide
Volume 31
June 2016
Editor(s)-in-Chief: Bruce McCormick
ISSN 1253-4882
- Editor’s notes
- The emergency laparotomy – principles and perioperative management
- Developing an effective day surgery service
- Perioperative management of patients on warfarin and the new oral anticoagulants
- Anaesthetising the malnourished patient
- Antiemetic drugs: pharmacology and an overview of their clinical use
- Neck of femur fracture: perioperative management
- Ebola – critical care considerations
- Peripartum cardiomyopathy
- Remote debriefing – a new paradigm for low resource and rural hospitals?
- Affordable CPAP in low income countries
- Alternatives to traditional fibreoptic bronchoscopes for use in resource-poor settings
- Cerebral challenge
- From the journals
- Book review
The Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
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