ATOTW is published on a bi-weekly basis and translated into five languages. All our tutorials are peer reviewed and based on most current literature. Readers can also test their knowledge through our online CME quizzes. Anyone is welcome to use our material and we hope you find ATOTW a useful resource in your clinical practice! All content is published under Creative Commons licensing. Meet our team of volunteer editors below.
Dr Anju Grewal (India)
Dr. Anju Grewal is currently serving as Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bathinda, Punjab, India. She received her medical undergraduate and postgraduate training from Gandhi Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. She has more than 28 years of teaching & clinical experience as Faculty for Postgraduate courses in Anaesthesiology at Medical Universities of India.
Currently she has been nominated as the National President of the ‘Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists(AOA), India’ and ‘President Elect’ for the Research Society of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology, India. She has served in the past as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology (JOACP), while being on the editorial board of various National journals viz., Indian Journal of Anaesthesia (IJA), International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia (IJRA), Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia & Critical Care (JOACC) and as reviewer to many anaesthesia journals.
An advocate for safer anaesthesia practices especially in resource limited clinical settings, she has attended the SAFE -OB courses, has been a certified AHA & IRCF-Instructor for CPR courses in past and actively engages as coordinator cum instructor for obstetric emergencies and critical care courses on behalf of AOA India. Her main areas of interest are Obstetric Anaesthesia, Resuscitation, Airway management, Trauma anaesthesia, Care of elderly, Obese and Pediatric population, Safety issues, Quality Perioperative care, Structured training of medical students and scientific communication.
Associate Editor
Dr Gregory Klar (Canada)
Dr. Gregory Klar is an Associate Professor in Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at Queen’s University in Canada. He has a keen interest in global health and global health education and has a Masters in International Public Health completed at Sydney University. His clinical interest is acute pain medicine and regional anesthesiology. Gregory Klar is on the board of trustees for the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society International Education Foundation, which collaborates with global partners to build capacity through education, knowledge translation and advocacy.
General Topics
Dr. Luke Baitch (Australia)
Dr. Luke Baitch is an anaesthetist in Australia, based in the regional centre Albury-Wodonga on the New South Wales-Victoria border. He has completed a clinical research fellowship in obstetric anaesthesia in Vancouver, Canada, but now has a varied general anaesthesia practice. Clinical interests are obstetric and ENT anaesthesia.
Dr. Clara Chingmei Poon (Hong Kong)
Dr. Clara Poon is currently the head of the neuroanaesthesia division in Queen Mary Hospital-University of Hong Kong Department of Anaesthesiology and have been the supervisor of anaesthesia training for ANZCA and HKCA. She also has a keen interest in education and trauma anaesthesia. She has a BSc in chemistry (MIT), MBBS (Hong Kong University) and completed her fellowship in anaesthesia from ANZCA and HKCA.
Dr. Lara Herbert (UK)
Dr Lara Herbert is a consultant anaesthetist at The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust. She is a general anaesthetist with subspecialty interests in paediatrics, obstetrics, major trauma and global anaesthesia.
She graduated from Trinity College Dublin medical school in 2004 and subsequently worked as a Royal Navy (RN) General Duties Medical Officer. After leaving the RN, she completed her anaesthetics training in the SW England (Peninsula and Severn Deaneries).
Lara was born and grew up in Zimbabwe. She works closely with the Zimbabwean Anaesthetics Association to deliver regular Safer Anaesthesia from Education (SAFE) courses around Zimbabwe. She completed a 6-month clinical and quality improvement fellowship at Mbarara Hospital, Uganda in 2017. She is also an editor for the Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia.
Dr. Alison Jackson (New Zealand)
Dr Alison Jackson is a specialist anaesthetist at Waikato Hospital in the upper North Island, New Zealand. After graduating from the University of Manchester, UK, she completed anaesthesia training in New Zealand.
She has undertaken fellowships in Simulation and Medical Education, vascular anaesthesia, hepatobiliary and transplant anaesthesia. Her current areas of interest are anaesthesia for head and neck surgery, upper GI/hepatobiliary surgery, colorectal surgery and perioperative medicine, particularly focusing on shared-decision making and high risk surgery. She is also actively involved in various simulation-based training programmes.
Intensive Care Medicine
Dr. Niraj Nirajan (UK)
Dr Niraj Niranjan is currently a consultant anaesthetist at a district general hospital in Durham where his clinical services are focussed on anaesthesia and critical care. He is a London medical school graduate and undertook his anaesthetic training in the Peninsula Deanery in the south west of England with one-year fellowship in Sacramento, California.
Dr. Subramani Kandasamy (India)
Dr. Subramani Kandasamy (MD DA FRCA CST FANZCA EDIC FICCM) is the Professor and Director of Critical Care Medicine at Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. He is the director of WFSA Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine run by CMC, Vellore. Dr. Kandasamy did a two year fellowship in critical care at Hope Hospital Manchester and worked as a consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Weston-Super-Mare, UK and Mildura Base Hospital, Victoria, Australia. His interests are hemodynamics, ventilation, nephrology and pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients.
Dr. Julia Weinkauf (USA)
Dr. Julia Weinkauf is an Intensivist and Anesthesiologist at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, MN, USA. She completed her training at the Mount Sinai Hospital and Columbia University Medical Centers in New York. Her academic and professional interests include critical care for advanced heart failure, and human resources capacity development for anesthesiology and critical care in low-resourced settings. She serves on the Global Humanitarian Outreach committee (GHO) for the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and on the Publications Committee of the WFSA.
Dr. Jez Hunter (UK)
Dr Jez Hunter is an Advanced Trainee Anaesthetist and Intensivist from the southwest of the UK (Peninsula and Severn Deaneries). Prior to medicine he completed a decade as an officer in the Royal Marines after which he established a commercial hazardous access and rescue company. He was one of the founding members of the International Rescue Instructors Alliance and authored “Swiftwater and Flood Rescue – a field operations guide”. He has an interest in expedition medicine, medical education and is a faculty member of the Diploma in Mountain Medicine Nepal.
Paediatric Anaesthesia
Dr. William Francis Powell, Jr. (USA)
Dr. Powell is a pediatric anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology at Mass Eye and Ear in Boston, Massachusetts, and an Instructor in Anesthesia at Harvard Medical School. He received his medical degree from Albany Medical College and completed his training at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (General Surgery Internship), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Anesthesiology Residency), and Tufts Medical Center (Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship). He is interested in pediatric ENT and ophthalmologic anesthesia, as well as anesthesia education in LMICs, having worked with Inspire Through Clinical Teaching and Safer Anaesthesia From Education (SAFE).
Dr. Kate Wilson (UK)
Dr. Kate Wilson is a consultant paediatric anaesthetist at the Sheffield Children's Hospital. She trained in the UK, did her medical elective in Zambia and has worked in New Zealand and Australia. Her main interests at work are anaesthesia for neurosurgery, radiology and emergency surgery. She has also written a section on neurotrauma for the SAFE paediatric anaesthesia course. In addition to this, Kate has an interest in high altitude medicine, is involved with the UK Diploma of Mountain Medicine and has spent a season working at the Machermo porter rescue post in Nepal.
Dr. Adele King (UK)
Dr. Adele King is a consultant paediatric cardiac anaesthetist at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow. She trained in the UK and did a fellowship in paediatric anaesthesia and paediatric cardiac anaesthesia in Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Her main interests at work are anaesthesia for cardiac, radiology and general surgery. She has an interest in global medicine and is the lead for the SAFE Paediatrics-Cleft programme.
Obstetric Anaesthesia
Dr. Kelly Fedoruk (USA)
Dr Kelly Fedoruk is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford University, USA. She did her undergraduate medical degree and residency training in anesthesiology at the University of Saskatchewan and subsequently completed a fellowship in obstetric anesthesia at Stanford University. She has a particular interest in quality improvement and patient safety in obstetrics, point-of-care ultrasound, and global health initiatives.
Dr. Jenny Woodbury (USA)
Dr. Jenny Woodbury is a Health Sciences Clinical Assistant Professor at University of California San Francisco, USA. She completed her medical degree, residency (internship in obstetric and gynecology followed by anesthesia) and fellowship training (obstetric anesthesia) at University of Colorado. Her interests also include regional anesthesia, quality improvement, and patient safety.
Dr. Muralidhar Joshi (India)
Dr. Muralidhar Joshi (MD, DNB), is the Director of Pain Management Centre, Virinchi Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Telangana, Hyderabad, and is considered as the one of the pioneers practicing Pain management in Asia. He completed his post-graduation in Anaesthesiology from Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India and went onto finish the Diplomate of National Board in Anaesthesiology from New Delhi. He has published in various international journals and has authored six books, one of which was the first textbook on pain management in India. He is the lead for the Pain subsection of ATOTW, member of WFSA Pain Relief Committee, also WFSA Governing Council Member representing Asian Continent and heads the WFSA fellowship programme on Acute & Chronic Pain Management at Virinchi Hospitals, Hyderabad, India.
Dr Christopher Haley (Canada)
Dr Christopher Haley BSc (med. Sci.) MBChB FRCA FRCPC FFPMRCA MSc (HQ) is a specialist in anaesthesia and pain management. He trained in the UK and currently works in Ontario, Canada. Chris' interests are in pain modulation and non pharmacological pain management therapy. He also has an interest in quality improvement projects and has a master's degree in healthcare quality.
Dr. Natthasorn Zinboonyahgoon (Thailand)
Dr. Nantthasorn Zinboonyahgoon is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand. Currently, he is the Chief of the Division of Pain Medicine. He completed his anesthesia residency training at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and his pain fellowship training at the Oregon Health and Science University, USA. His clinical interest is neuromodulation, pain intervention, and pain management for poor resource countries. He is also working with the WFSA, the IASP, the Thai Association for the Study of Pain, and the Royal Colleague of Anesthesiologists of Thailand in many roles to represent and promote pain management in Thailand and neighboring countries.
Dr. Chris Orikowski (Australia)
Regional Anaesthesia
Dr. Gillian Foxall (UK)
Dr Gillian Foxall was a Consultant Anaesthetist at Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford until leaving to go on a career break in Dubai. She completed the European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia in 2007 and was an Honorary Lecturer for the University of East Anglia for the MSc in Regional Anaesthesia. She has taught on a number of national and international regional anaesthesia courses including – EBPOM, LSORA, Sonosite (Basic & Advanced), East Surrey regional anaesthesia courses, and more recently on regional anaesthesia courses in Dubai.
Dr. Su Cheen Ng (UK)
Dr. Su Cheen graduated from the National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland in 2002. She completed her Anaesthesia and Intensive Care training in the Republic of Ireland and was appointed consultant in anaesthesia at University College Hospital, London (UCLH) in 2016. Her key interests are in Regional Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine. Su Cheen is currently Lead in the Regional Anaesthesia Block Room at UCLH.
Dr. Simeon West (UK)
Dr Simeon West is a consultant anaesthetist at University College London Hospital (UCLH) with a specialist interest in regional anaesthesia. He helps run one of the UK’s only block rooms, and has taught at many nationally renowned regional anaesthesia courses. He is on the board of RA-UK (the UK branch of ESRA) and is their webmaster. He has a research interest in improving visualisation of needles and nerves, publishing extensively, and is part of the new Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences at University College London.
Patient Safety
Dr Sally El-Ghazali (UK)
Dr Sally El-Ghazali is a dual anaesthetic and intensive care trainee in London. She graduated from UCL Medical School in 2010 before starting her core anaesthetic training in the Northern deanery of anaesthesia in 2012 and subsequently taking up a specialty registrar training post in August 2014 within the Imperial School of Anaesthesia. In February 2018, she joined the intensive care training scheme in London.
In 2014, Sally was elected as a member of the Group of Anaesthetists in Training Committee following a national ballot to represent the interests and wellbeing of the anaesthetic trainees nationally. She was subsequently selected as honorary secretary of the committee in 2016 and has since taken on the role of chair of the now rebranded Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee from July 2018.
Her interests in anaesthesia relate to general surgery especially colorectal, airway anaesthesia and perioperative medicine. She is currently undertaking the UCL perioperative medicine MSc as of September 2016. Sally’s other interests outside clinical medicine include wellbeing and medical education and has since completed a formal medical education certificate and become a Member of the Academy of Medical Educators.
Basic Science
Dr. Alex Konstantatos (Australia)
Dr. Alex Konstantatos is a Specialist Anaesthetist and Pain Physician who works at Alfred and Cabrini Hospitals in Melbourne., Australia. He is Director of the Pain Service at Alfred Hospital and was an Examiner for the Australian New Zealand College of Anaesthetics from 2004-2016. Alex has and affiliations with Monash University , Australia as a Senior Lecturer and is a Visiting Professor at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, where he has overseen the development of Pain Medicine at Sir Run RunShaw Hospital. As well as teaching, Alex enjoys academic interests, with up to twenty publications in the field of Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia and has a particular interest in the effects of ethnicity on Pain behaviours.